Hello there! I’m Axel

👨🏽‍🎓 I am currently in my final year as an undergraduate student in Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

⏰ My current focus is on completing my Bachelor’s thesis, which centers on the study of Chronotypes, Sleep Quality, Digital Device Use, and Daylight Exposure.

My primary research interests lie in the areas of Consciousness, Sleep, Time, Space, Animal Behavior and Cognition, and Animal Consciousness.

My Experience


As I near the completion of my degree, I am actively engaged in several extracurricular positions. For instance, I am involved in the dissemination of neuroscience and psychology topics through Neurotransmitiendo, as well as assisting with the organization of webinars for the Argentinian Society for Behavioral Science.

In addition, I serve as a teaching assistant for courses on Neurophysiology and Research Methods. I am also a teacher collaborator for courses such as ‘Applied Neurophysiology’, where I deliver lectures on topics like circadian rhythms and sleep, and ‘Updates in Cognitive Neuroscience’, where I lecture on Brain Rhythms.



Since the very first year of my degree program, I have developed a keen interest in science, specifically in the fields of Neuroscience and Biology. As a result, I began reaching out to researchers to learn more about these subjects.

Currently, my thesis focuses on the study of chronotypes, sleep quality, digital device use, and light exposure. Additionally, I am participating in a research project that explores how various theoretical psychotherapies utilize information.

Apart from my academic pursuits, I am deeply passionate about non-human animals, particularly birds. I enjoy observing and identifying them, and I am always curious about what is going on inside their minds and how they perceive the world around them. This has led me to participate in a research project investigating parasitism in Cowbirds, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of how parasites successfully mature and become adults.