Using iNaturalist API to Monitor Endagared Yellow Cardinal (Gubernatrix cristata) in Argentina


I used iNaturalist API to get the observations of the endangered yellow cardinal (Gubernatrix cristata) and make a map to plot all those observations.

iNaturalist API

iNaturalist is a global community of naturalists, scientists, and members of the public sharing over a million wildlife sightings to teach one another about the natural world while creating high quality citizen science data for science and conservation. The iNaturalist technology infrastructure and open source software is administered by the California Academy of Sciences as part of their mission to explore, explain, and sustain life on Earth.

I used their API to get the observations of the yellow cardinal in Argentina. My objective was to make a map of all the informations, in order to get quick access of all the research grade and casual observations of this endangered bird.


For this project I used Google Colab.

Note that the map may not display correctly, as it is an interactive one. To run it open a colab or jupyter notebook locally.