
Applied Neurophysiology

Post-graduate course, University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Psychology, 2022

I’ve been a teacher in Applied Neurophysiology since April 2022, where I give the lecture about Circadian Rhythms and Sleep.


Post-graduate course, University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Psychology, 2022

This was an introductory course for Neuroanatomy. I didn’t give any lecture, but have a main participation in all the workflow of the course.

Research Methods

Undergraduate Course, University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Psychology, 2022

This is an introductory undergraduate course about Research Methodology. We start by explaining the scientific method to different research designs. I also supervise research projects that students must carry out.

Psychophysiological Methods

Undergraduate course, University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Psychology, 2021

I was a teaching assistant in this research-oriented course, where I followed up the work from 4 students. My main job was to act as a supervisor, checking their progress and help them with all the organization of their work. For example, helping them in their introduction, gap, methdology, statistics, etc.


Undergraduate course, University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Psychology, 2019

I’ve been a teaching assistant in Neurophysiology since 2019. This is an introductory course about Neuroscience, starting from what is a Neuron, to complex cognitive capabilities, such as memory, language, and emotions.